This is a Long Shot that uses Low Key lighting. The man o the floor has his hands off the ground which suggests he is in pain and cowering. The gun is pointed at the mans head, we can infer from this that he is shooting to kill this time. By coming in closer the camera has revealed that there is a little girl sitting against a post, but by zooming in we can no longer see he third man and are therefore unaware of his actions.
This is a Close Up that once again uses Low Key lighting. For the first time the girl is revealed to us and we can see that she is upset about something. We, however, do not yet know what she is crying about as the shot is completly focused on her. As the audience we presume that the man on the floor has been shot again, but we can not be sure of this without the aid of audio or knowing why she is there and who she is friends with. On the post behind her there is a bit of rope which could mean that she has been tied up.

This is a Long shot ( arguably a Very Long Shot) that uses key lighting. The man in the foreground looks in pain and the source of it may have come from the gun in the man's hand at the rear of the shot. The audience now realises that the girl was crying about him being hurt presumably rather than the man who looks motionless on the ground. The blurred background helps us focus on the action as it minimalises distractions.
As a sequence these shots work very well together as the camera position and angle is constantly being changed. This means that we see all of the action takig place but all is not revealed all at once but instead in installments. This adds to the suspense which is vital in a thriller film.
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